Hey, slots enthusiast! You can easily use this winning strategy as-is, but you can also optimize it, so it works even better at your casino. That’s coming up! Here, I explain my most popular slots strategy commonly known as the 5-spin method, now updated to answer common questions I’ve gotten from viewers.
Discovering the Winning Pattern at a Local Racetrack Casino
After over a dozen visits within three months at a local pari-mutuel racetrack with slot machines, I identified a clear pattern to winning I’d not seen before. Using it, I won six taxable jackpots over the next two months. As you should be asking yourself at this point, did I make a profit? Yes, I did.
Unveiling the True Power of the Strategy
The true power of this strategy is that nearly all its winnings are profit. How did I discover this winning slots strategy? I had help. As usual when I first visit a new-to-me casino, I engaged in conversations with slot attendants and floor managers about recent jackpot winners. They told me about slot machine gamblers who had won quite a few taxable jackpots when moving from machine to machine, one taxable jackpot after another. Yes, casino employees TOLD ME.
The Pattern and Building a Winning Strategy
All I had to do was listen and think through what they were saying. This casino had obviously set up its slot machines to perform this way for good business reasons. Unfortunately for casinos implementing this standard casino business practice, it’s easily leveraged by any savvy slots enthusiast who spots its easy-to-see pattern. Here’s the pattern I saw. Every win occurred within the first few bets on a slot machine.
Implementing the 5-Spin Strategy
With this pattern in hand, I decided to play slot machines for up to five spins. If I won anything at all, I’d collect that taste, that first win, and immediately stop playing that slot machine. But why only 5 spins? Why not 3 or 10 spins? We’ll talk about optimization for you and your casino in a moment.
Winning Jackpots with the 5-Spin Strategy
During the visit that I first deliberately tried this strategy, I won three taxable jackpots on three different machines in 25 minutes, each jackpot occurring mere minutes apart. The slot operators at this new casino were highly efficient but, nevertheless, each time I won a taxable jackpot it took about five minutes for the slot operator to take my I.D, take care of the paperwork, clear the machine, then go off to retrieve my hand pay for the jackpot I’d just won.
Total Profit and Exploiting the Casino’s Desire
For this second taxable jackpot so soon after the first, I couldn’t offer my I.D. It was still in the hands of the first slot operator! In other videos, I’ll explain the consequences of winning more often at slot machines. So, remember to subscribe to my channel below! While clearly using this 5-spin strategy, I won 3 taxable jackpots within 25 minutes with an actual playing time of about 10-15 minutes. Total profit was $6,100 for a 12x return on my original $500 bankroll.
Making Adjustments and Testing at Your Casino
My strategy says do the opposite. Move on immediately once you’ve gotten the taste and then collect them from machine after machine. But how many bets should you make on each machine? Why 5 bets? Instead, why not 3 bets, 8 bets, or even 10 bets? Five bets seemed to work best for me. It felt like five bets was enough to give the machine a chance to give me a taste. And it felt like more bets would risk my bankroll more than I wanted. Make your own adjustments to this strategy. Figure out what works best at your casino, and comment below with how many bets seems to work best for you. Although … don’t make 100 or more bets per machine.
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